Strategic Plan for Years 2025-2034
A "Strategic Planning Session" was held by the Board of Directors earlier this year and several "Categories" were chosen to be the focus of a "Strategic Plan". Has anyone seen the "Plan", has it been fully developed and documented and sent to Owners, is it on the "Portal" with other HOA Documents? How can Owners participate in planning for our Future if we aren't included in the Process? If you have a Comment, post it here or send to for posting ... and also copy the Board or Assoc Mgmt. Can Owners call for a Presentation / Meeting to reveal what has been done and bring Owners into the Process to both Develop and to Impletement a Plan that takes us forward to 2034? What are your thoughts ??
This goes back to not being able to attend the BOD Meetings. We hear about a stratigic plan, but we don't see one. We have no idea what's going on except our property and our property values are at risk. We get snipits of hope and then nothing. The lack of transparancy is blinding.
One of the FIRST Issues going forrward is "Reduction of Debt". What are the Options? Obvious one is to sell some of the Old Golf Course and possibly do a Joint Venture with the HealthClub / Tennis Courts / Pool. There are 2-3 "Lots" that could be sould along Olgelthorpe next to Frederica, working with SS Land Trust (that already owns a Lot there) ... and the Healthclub is a Faciltiy that could be "joint ventured" with another interest (NOT Sea Palms Resort) to the advantage of SPW Community and Owners. What is being done to investigate Options and present them to Owners ??? Is there a Project Team with Owners who have expertise to do th…